Are you working too hard down on your knee's?

North shore osteopath

Do you have pain at the front of your knee, that is typically worse when kneeling? This is commonly called 'housemaids knee' or pre patellar bursitis. The pre patella bursa is located in front of your kneecap (patella bone).



- Trauma to the knee

- Long term minor injuries, typically related to kneeling, as it puts pressure on the knee

- Infection

- Gout



- Pain at the front of your knee, that can spread up or down your leg

- Redness & swelling 

- Limp

- Unable to fully bend your knee

- Pain related to kneeling


How can you self manage your pain:

- Rest, avoiding activities that cause your pain to increase

- Movement, avoid prolonged rest. If you sit still for long periods, inflammation can build up in your knee & once you try move again, it can be really painful


How can Osteopathy help you:

north shore osteopath


Your osteopath will try identify what has caused your knee pain. As 'housemaids knee' can be caused by infection, if this is suspected, you will be referred to your GP as antibiotics might be needed.  If infection is not the cause, treatment is aimed at reducing your pain, improving your knee range of movement/flexibility, reducing any muscle tension on the knee and improving your gait/walking pattern. Tailored advice is given, which may include; stretches, exercises and lifestyle medications needed to resolve your pain.


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