Headaches during pregnancy...is it normal?

pregnancy osteopath headaches

As the miraculous journey of pregnancy unfolds, some women may encounter a less enchanting aspect: headaches. While the exact mechanisms behind these headaches are not fully understood, they are believed to be influenced by the influx and fluctuating hormonal levels that accompany this special time. Additionally, the change in blood volume may also play a role in contributing to these discomforts. For many expectant mothers, headaches can become a recurring challenge during their pregnancy. Join us as we delve into the world of pregnancy headaches, exploring what they are, potential triggers, and when they are most likely to occur. Let's equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate these moments of discomfort with ease and grace, ensuring your pregnancy journey remains as joyous and pain-free as possible!


Other causes to consider:

- Eyestrain

- Allergies

- Fatigue

- Hunger

- Dehydration

- Postural changes

- Withdrawal from coffee


When to seek help:

Always mention any concerns you have with your midwife or health care provider. Headaches in the second or third trimester need extra attention as they can sometimes be related to preeclampsia. Symptoms to look out for are: violent, explosive headaches that won't go away, fever and a stiff neck, visual disturbances and slurring of words.


Ways to relief a headache:

- Exercise, Light gentle exercise and fresh air, can sometimes relief a headache

- Hot shower, A nice, hot shower can help relieve a headache by relaxing the back and neck muscles.

- Drink plenty of water, Dehydration is a very common cause of headaches. Especially when you are pregnant, keeping up your fluid intake is very important. Even more so in warm weather.

- Rest, Pregnancy can be tough on the body and rest is recommended when possible. Try going to bed earlier at night. Enjoy these good nights sleep while you can. Try during the day having a lie down if possible. 

Osteopathy and Headaches

Osteopaths commonly treat pregnant women for headaches during pregnancy. Osteopaths assist the body for the changes in posture due the growing baby. Tailored advice is given which may include; drinking more water, add breaks into your day, assessing your work station setup, sleeping posture and pillows, trying to identify any dietary changes that may be necessary and so on. Treatment uses soft tissue techniques, joint manipulation and articulation and muscle stretching to relieve any muscles or joints influencing the headaches. 


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