How to have a healthy pregnancy
Top tips for a healthy pregnancy
Walk & move your body every day
Movement is essential for the body. Most occupations & parts of everyday life have us sitting for hours per day. By having ‘movement breaks’ and adding in daily walks, this improves our lymphatic drainage, muscle tone, blood flow, mental health, cardiovascular health, joint mobility and so on. Ideally every 20minutes, stop what you are doing, stand up, stretch, roll your shoulders, move your body then sit down and reset your posture. Every hour do a ‘micro movement break’ for a few minutes, walk to the kitchen or reception, put on a load of washing, unload the dishwasher etc but it is a few minutes of moving your body. Then each day try go for a walk around the block, on the beach or with a friend. This is so important to build muscle tone, get fresh air, improve blood flow & lymphatic drainage and general well-being.
Drink plenty of water
Water is an essential component of the body (50-60%) and used by all parts of our body systems yet most of us don’t drink enough plain (or with lemon) water. Often when we don’t drink enough water we can get a headache. My top tip is to always have a glass of water on your desk. This will have a positive consequence by getting your up to go to the toilet (movement break).
Eat a balanced diet including lots of vegetables, fruit & meat
A nutritionist I highly recommend is Jessica Giljam-Brown who I have worked with for years. Check out her website and Instagram for some great information on nutrition. &
Join a pregnancy yoga or pilates class or work along side a pregnancy personal trainer
A pregnancy & postnatal pilates instructor I love (and have done her mat classes myself) is Pilates Fit Boutique
A personal trainer with both in-person classes and online class is Lorraine Scapens
Look after your mental health
There is a lot going on in the body, both the physical changes and changes in hormones that can cause our mental health issues. Some women find pregnancy a bit overwhelming and some find depression and anxiety can start or suddenly by re triggered. This is totally normal and you are not alone. Please advise your midwife, obstetrician, GP or health professional to guide you to the appropriate support networks.
Invest in good, quality supplements
Again Jessica is amazing with guiding women to the best supplements to take during pregnancy which can include; iodine, methyl folate, magnesium, fish oil and so on, to support a good diet. This also continues into breast feeding to support this journey.
Fix those aches & pains
Pregnancy & your journey into motherhood can bring unwanted aches and pains. Sarah specialises in pregnancy and postpartum to help relieve those pains and guide the body through this process and adapt to the changes it can bring. Book in online or contact Sarah with any questions you may have.