Osteopathy and ACC

North shore osteopath ACC

Recently ACC released a report comparing Osteopaths and similar professions on the number of treatments required to relieve pain. ACC identify the most common areas of the body that are injured are the lower back (lumbar spine), neck (cervical spine), sacroiliac joint (between your lower back and pelvis), upper back (thoracic spine) and shoulder & upper arm. As per the table below, pain in most regions of the body are relieved with 5 treatments. 


These statistics will vary per patient. For example an acute injury (less than 3months old & ideally treatment beginning soon after the injury) will resolve quickly. A chronic injury (lasting longer than 3months) is more likely to require more treatments. This is due to other regions of the body adapting to the painful body region to allow you to continue normal activities where possible. 

north shore osteopath ACC

 Osteopathy & ACC

north shore osteopath acc

Osteopaths are ACC registered, with no referral required. If you have an injury, your osteopath can help you fill out the necessary forms required by ACC to have for injury approved for treatment. If necessary your osteopath can also refer you for imaging (X-ray or ultrasound) or to a specialist if required.


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Waking up with numb hands? Can’t open a jar or carry a hot pot? You might have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!


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