Expecting, but not Expecting Shoulder Pain: Navigating Discomfort During Pregnancy

Shoulder pain in pregnancy

Sore shoulders are very common in pregnancy for a variety of reasons, but you don't need to put up with the pain! As an expecting mother, it's essential to understand what causes this discomfort, why it happens, and when it is most likely to occur during your pregnancy journey. The good news is that there are effective solutions and supportive treatments available to help you find relief and embrace the joy of pregnancy without the burden of shoulder pain. In this blog, we'll delve into the reasons behind sore shoulders, explore the factors contributing to their occurrence, and discover how addressing this issue with care and expertise can make your pregnancy experience truly extraordinary. Let's embark on a journey to greater comfort and well-being, so you can savor every precious moment of this miraculous time!


  • Stress, we all commonly hold stress and tension in our shoulders and our Upper Trapezius muscles are often over firing and painful.

  • Posture, most people have anterior/forward rounded shoulders altering the shoulder mechanics and thus creating pain

  • Breathing pattern, especially in pregnancy we typically breathe using our upper ribs only

  • Weight of breast tissue, early into pregnancy the breasts can start to go up a few cups, thus increasing their weight which can place strain on the neck, back and shoulders

Ways to self relieve shoulder pain

  • Stretch, ask Sarah for some tailored stretches to loosen tight muscles and ligaments that are straining your shoulders

  • Spiky ball, try a spiky massage ball as a tender point relieve method

  • Breathe using your diaphragm, place your hands on your belly, as you breathe in your tummy should expand, when you breathe out your belly gently relaxes back to neutral.

  • Wear the correct fitting non wire bra, get a proper pregnancy, soft padded bra fitted that supports your breasts and feels comfortable.

  • Be mindful of your posture, are your shoulders rounded forwards, are your shoulders tight and bunched up by your ears?

Osteopathic treatment to relieve pregnancy shoulder pain

If you're seeking professional support to ease your pregnancy-related shoulder pain, consider osteopathic treatment with a specialist like Sarah. Osteopathy offers a gentle and effective approach to address mobility issues in the neck, back, ribs, and shoulders. By loosening tight muscles and ligaments, Sarah's treatment aims to alleviate your discomfort and improve overall well-being.

Throughout your osteopathic sessions, Sarah will provide tailored advice, including specific stretches, exercises, and modifications to your daily routines. These recommendations may encompass adjustments to your bra, sleep posture, workstation setup, and breathing exercises. By addressing the root causes of your shoulder pain, Sarah's treatment is centered around empowering you to enjoy a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy journey.

Sore shoulders don't have to be an inevitable part of your pregnancy. Understanding the causes behind this discomfort and implementing self-relief techniques can significantly improve your well-being. If you need additional support, consider seeking osteopathic treatment with a pregnancy specialist like Sarah, who can guide you towards a more serene and pain-free pregnancy experience. With the right approach and care, you can embrace the joys of pregnancy with comfort and ease.


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